Saturday, June 4, 2011

Welcome to Pick A Stitch


Have you ever tried to tuck your crafting gene away in order to get on with the rest of your life? If you're like me, the need to be creative brews from deep within! I've tried to ignore it, and have been successful for a week or two, maybe even a month... but then I see something awesomely artsy and before you know it I have bought every book about it, and supply needed to complete that awesomely artsy something. My craft lab contains vast amounts of art supplies that would rival even the most well stocked Hobby Lobby!

They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and needlework is no exception. Many years ago (in a land far far way... no, just kidding) my grandmother owned a needlework store called Pick A Stitch in downtown Naperville (Illinois). We're talking in the late 70's, early 80s. A very adventurous lady she was, although I didn't realize it then, but she was following her passion in hopes to spread the love of needlework. How cool would it be if she still owned her store today?? I'd be in heaven!

My love for the yarn runs deep, just as it did with Dodi, and you could say I'm kind of following in her footsteps...with the help of technology. So, today I am joining the other talented, domesticated divas who also share the love of knitting and crocheting, by introducing the new-and-improved, technologically updated version of Pick A Stitch. If we all can't all meet around the big table in the center of the yarn store, at least we can gather around our computer screens, coffee in hand, and ravel in all the wonderful yarn goodness this magical internet brings together. I hope this blog finds you well, and offers you some encouragement, a little inspiration, and at the very least, lots of laughs.

I welcome you to leave many comments, and share your yarnish and fiberful experiences with the rest of us. Here's to a wonderful beginning... coffee cups clinking...


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