Friday, July 8, 2011

Busy Busy Busy!

Boy, oh boy, have I been a slacker!
I haven't picked up a crochet hook in like 2 weeks. Life sometimes gets in the way of relaxing down time, and I feel that I haven't had any of that in quite some time. Above is a progress-picture of The Granny 2.0. At this rate I hope to be done with it before school starts up again.

Last weekend we celebrated America's Independence on the 4th of July.
The kids loved it! We went to the Sandwich Fairgrounds and watched fireworks.

And we went camping...
Camping sounds like it would be relaxing... and it was at some points... but it was really a lot of work. You'd think I would have a lot of time to get in some hookin' action, but I just couldn't fit it in between the bicycle parade and the greased watermelon relay race!

We had so much fun that when we got home I had to take a nap :)

Hopefully this week will be back to normal...